This Won’t Make Me Money and That’s Okay

My side hustle that isn’t a side hustle.

Sophia Armstrong
3 min readMay 19, 2020
Photo Courtesy of Pexels Stock Images by Anthony Shkraba

A phrase that is thrown around more than any other these days is “side hustle”. People are constantly obsessing over the hustling lifestyle, always looking for what’s next, what can make them money or what can serve them and their lifestyle. I am even guilty of searching for side hustles myself and don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with having side hustles, but when did everything we do have to be a side hustle?

I feel I have sorely lost touch with my hobbies and love for activities which don’t procure me an income. One thing this isolation has gifted me with is the beauty of time to really discover what I enjoy. Before the world quite literally forced me to slow down, the idea of reading simply for joy, was something I thought was only for those who had the “luxury” to stop. But I found, even if I did have time to read, why aren’t I reading a self-help book? All of this pressure to use my time “wisely” and be effective in every aspect of my life to bring growth has become obsessive, and even more detrimental than effective.

“ Instead of hustling to “finish the year strong”, take a moment to reflect on all that you’ve accomplished. Thank yourself for all the wins, pivots and growth.” — Planoly

I am not here to tell you to stop reading self-help books, my goodness they do actually help, but I am here to tell you to slow down and have a think about what you love to do. I’ve started to do these things because I love them and not because they will get me an income, or get me ahead. Hustle culture has become a toxic mess of trying to get ahead of everyone else and be the best in every aspect. This culture brings a toxic sense of competition which causes unnecessary stress which leads to mental breakdowns and burn-outs.

I need to ask myself, who am I racing? When it comes down to it, the only person I am racing with is myself, and why am I wanting my life to flash past any faster than it already is? Our lives are made up of the small moments, and if I am just waiting for the next moment or the next big step, how will I ever enjoy and cherish the one I am in right now? How will I ever have magical moments if I am constantly wishing them away, hustling to the next big thing?

“ If you’re always racing to the next moment, what happens to the one you’re in right now? ” — Nanette Mathews

I have loved having a hobby writing here on Medium, and I love that I can just put my thoughts into a blog post, without the stress of how they will perform. I know that this “side hustle” is not actually a “side hustle”, but something that truly brings me joy and I urge you to find the activity that truly brings you joy and nothing else. Whether that be writing in a journal, getting creative with art, dancing, singing, working out, reading a fiction book or exploring parts of your interests you have never had the chance to. Take away the guilt and pressure to turn everything into a side hustle, and turn it into a passion to warm your heart, mind and soul.

